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OXB BISSAU比绍(内内亚比绍)送到目的地国际物流
公司拥有一批高素质经验丰富的经验丰富管理人员和操作人员,结合全球的网络系统,为广大客户提供综合性、经验丰富性的物流服务。 顺捷丰现代化效率高 率的办公条件、工作人员的精心服务、团队合作永不停步的公司文化,“经验丰富定位、以速致胜、温馨服务、真情待人”服务理念。真诚的希望与贵公司合作,相信以我司一贯严谨的工作作风,经验丰富娴熟的业务能力定能为您~准确的将货物送到目的地。 This company was founded in 1981 in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, under the name Dalaro Oil & Shipping AB. Dalaro shipping has evolved into a leading and recognized logistics alternative in the Swedish and Finnish forestry industry, for the transportation of sawn timber to various destinations in North Africa. The headquarters moved to Norrköping, Sweden, in 2019.
TSA Shipping Company in Sweden