广州万瀚货运代理有限公司成立于2009年,我司与众多船公司签订特惠运价协定,其中包括中海, MSC, OOCL, PIL, APL, ZIM以星, WANHAI万海, CMA, HYUNDAI,MAERSK马士基,KMTC高丽 ,NYK,T.S.L,EVERGREEN长荣等大型船公司已有多年合作以及长期合作的伙伴关系,可为客户提供优质,专业,快捷的集装箱国际货运代理服务。我司尤其在东南亚,日韩,中东,印巴,欧洲,地中海,美线等航线具有很强的优势.
...We provide the combination of sea and air freight services to meet the special needs of our customers to transport cargo from Hong Kong and Mainland China by boat to a transshipment centre such as Dubai,Vancouver and Los Angeles etc.. for re-handle to final destination by air freight.This is one of the fastestand cost effective ways to shio cargoes.It can reduce high airfreight costs and shorten the lead time by sea freight.
...南沙动态:严查 严查 ,因为政府强推1039市场采购贸易方式,要停掉目前“旅游购物方式”导致严查,报关行和政府都需要时间来适应新的方式,所以做好心里准备,此时普货清单要求更细更精准!暂停敏感类货物,请知悉!